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Mon - Fri, 8:00 - 9:00

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Touchless Doors Opening

Automatic Doors Installation and Repair

Ensure the premises of a business are protected around the clock with a security video monitoring service.

Single Slide Automatic Doors
Automatic Swinging Door Systems
Telescoping Doors
Bi-parting Automatic Doors
Three-wings Automatic Revolving Door
Access the video footage from anywhere

Intelligent cameras can record video all day and night to keep you safe from thieves.

Automatic Sliding Doors are an easy way for Customers to access your business easily and they provide handicap accessible entry and energy savings to your business. These are often used in retail, healthcare and hospitality establishments where easy and quick access is a necessity.

Vortex can help with most of your automatic door needs by providing a diagnostic and safety test of your system to quickly determine what repairs are needed. Once repairs are made you can be sure that we will notify you of any problem areas or if your doors do not comply with current AAADM safety standards to help protect you and help avoid any potential injuries to your Customers.
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Quick Transport and Logistics Solutions

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Global Coverage

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On Time Delivery

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